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Atlanta > Jobs > Design, Media, Multimedia > Now Hiring... Graphic Artist

Now Hiring... Graphic Artist

Atlanta, GA • 08/22/2007

I am looking for a graphic artist to create flyers and general promotional work. Please don't send me example flyers you have made in the past (as we don't know if you actually created them). The only requirements are the following:

-your pay rate (monthly, per project, etc etc..)

-(THIS HAS MADE SOME MAD- IF YOU'RE BOTHERED BY THIS- THEN PLEASE DON'T APPLY): create a flyer for a fictional company: Loft Station Bowling Alley or Loft Station Skating Rink. (MAKE SURE THEY ARE IN JPEG FORMAT PLEASE). This is done b/c there was a lot of time and money invested in someone who basically had no clue!! No disrespect, but thats the way it is.

-your resume (or online portfolio/website).

Thanks & we look forward to hearing from you.


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Atlanta, GA

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